Where I've been...

This month has been incredibly busy, which is odd because I've managed to find plenty of time to read, but not to review.  I've seen a few movies (so not taken with Kick Ass...but The Losers is awesome!), watched some t.v., attended prom, been strangely social with friends (I'm usually a homebody), and have plotted several different ways to torture my h.s. seniors who aren't passing but still think they are going to graduate (aka harassing them until they get everything turned in).  Although, that isn't what this is about...this about the books I've been reading.

1. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith
I started this one but was unable to finish. However, unlike the other G-S mash-up I attempted to read (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies) I didn't set this novel aside due to horrible writing. G-S seems much more able to mimic the historical autobiography/journal style than he was at matching Jane Austen's writing style.  Instead, I had to set it aside because my reading tastes just weren't wanting this style of novel and it was due back at the library. So instead of forcing myself through it, I returned it, and will finish it at a later date.

2. Lost and Not Found - Director's Cut by Teel McClanahan III

This is a revamped, remodeled, written exactly how the author originally wanted the story to go version of the book. There is another version, simply titled Lost and Not Found, which is interesting, but not as good as the director's cut. Teel (who is also my husband) decided that he had be trying too hard to put conflict into the story. So he scraped the first part and stuck to the love story. This is a tale about love. Long lasting, never ending, fantasy love.  If you haven't tried it yet...or are just looking for a sweet, feel good, love story....this is the one for you.

3.  Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

I'm knee deep into this one and loving it! This is my first foray into the world of steam punk novels. I'm quite taken. I'll let you know how I feel about it, in more depth, when I've finished.

I'll get back to writing proper reviews when the craziness slows down, I promise. Thank you for not abandoning me. :)


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I read books they way other people eat, sleep, or watch movies....voraciously, obsessively, and as often as possible. The reviews, random commentary, and snark in this blog are mine alone. Don't take my word...read the book.
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