The Selfless Gene by Charles Foster

Title: The Selfless Gene : Living with God and Darwin
Author: Charles Foster
Genre: Religious, Non-Fiction
Source: Received for free from Thomas Nelson Publishers in exchange for a honest review.

What if both religion and science are correct? Who says the world has to be only one and not the other? Mr. Foster is a Christian who walks in that gray area between the two and is angry at the extremists on either side of this great debate.

What I liked:

1. As another Christian who believes that God is large enough to have included evolution in His grand plan, it is refreshing to read the thoughts of someone else who feels that way.

2. Though the arguments and positions for both sides are well researched and given equal time within the book it was challenging to read. Sometimes it was the scientific explanations. Sometimes it was the extremist view points I don't agree with. It was always an interesting challenge.

What I didn't like:

1. Mr. Foster never seems to take a definite stance. Admittedly, most of the comparisons do come down on the side of God, but there is never a straight foreword statement of position. He spends a lot of time explaining each side and proving how the extremists are incorrect, but very little is said about how they could work together or be part of the same whole. This is disappointing.

Overall: I'm glad I had the opportunity to read this book, but I don't think it will be a great ground-breaking bridge between the extremes of religion and science. There is a lot to think about in the book and it is worth reading to get a taste of all the viewpoints involved in this debate.


Kari Olson said...

Hopping over from the Saturday Network =) Cute blog!

Bekah said...

Thanks for the review, now maybe I can get my copy finished. I was so eager to read it until it actually arrived then I went on a sci-fi kick and it travels with me sadly waiting its turn to be read.

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