The Dangerous World of Butterflies

Title: The Dangerous World of Butterflies: The Startling subculture of Criminals, Collectors, and Conservationists.

Author: Peter Lauffer, PH.D

Genre: Non-fiction

That's right, I'm starting August off with a change-up. No strange monsters, or romantic stories, instead I was pulled into a world I didn't even know existed. No really. Did you know there is a black market for butterfly sales? Or that there are actually criminals in jail for catching butterflies? Mr. Lauffer took the assignment, learning about the butterflying world, to get away from his usual war correspondence. It's easy to catch glimpses of his war reporter style in this book, but it is nowhere near as impersonal as those types of writing tend to be. The information is given to the reader in a mostly first person format, which adds to the "he's new and discovering this information too" feeling. Several times I was just astounded by the information he "uncovered".

I don't usually read non-fiction. It's often dry and painful to me, but I'm so glad I picked up this book. It was an easy read (only took me two days) and an enjoyable read.

Go read this, now!


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